Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 15, 2009--"Humor from a Journalist" Miles Kington

There are those who read on a train if there is no one to talk to, and those who read on a train for fear that someone will talk to them

There are those who buy gadgets when they're still cutting edge and state of the art (i.e. far too expensive) and not worth buying, and those who say they'll wait to buy them till they've come down in price (i.e. till they're worth buying but no longer worth having).

There are those who prefer reading a book in hardback, because hardbacks are proper books, unlike flimsy paperbacks, which are just a poor substitute, and there are those who prefer reading books in paperback because paperbacks are proper reading books unlike hardbacks, which are school books and academic texts.

There are those who sound their car horn as a peaceful warning and those who sound it as a war cry.

There are those who, when eating an apple, just eat the nice, juicy flesh and throw the rest away, and those who nibble it down to the last vestige of fruit round the stalk, yea, down to consuming the bit round the pips and all the skin that is left.

Miles Kington
British Journalist, Musician, Broadcaster
May 13, 1941 - January 30, 2008 (age 67)

Miles Kington at The Independent, UK

Miles Kington at Wikipedia

© Bob Hoff, 2009

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